The 33rd anniversary of the death of the actor Zoran Radmilović – Marked culture


On this day 33 years ago, the actor Zoran Radmilović died.

Filing of a wreath at his monument Photo: Zoran Radmilović Theater

In memory of the great man of our act, the representatives of the Timočka Krajina National Theater "Zoran Radmilović" laid their wreath today

Zoran was born in Zajecar on May 11, 1933. And Mao is some of the most remarkable roles in the history of the former Yugoslav cinema . His most famous role was in the play Radovan III, after which he received the title King of Humor and Improvisation . He left behind a number of roles on the cinema, the series, the television theater. He won the October Prize of the City of Belgrade and the "Dobrich Ring". He died in Belgrade on 21 July 1985. In his honor since 1988, the Zoran Radmilović Prize was awarded in the Sterija Pozorje in Novi Sad, and since 1991 the "Zoran & # 39; s brk " at the event" Days Zorana Radmilovića "in Zaječaru

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