"The authority is seriously concerned about the heightened protests"


Can mass civilian protests undermine Milorad Dodik's power in Republika Srpska?

The interviewees on this topic in Radio Slobodna Evropa Most in Banja Luka were political analyst Tanja Topić and social psychologist Srdjan Puhalo

"I think the government is seriously concerned about the strengthening of these protests. Previously, all attempts at protest organization were suppressed at the very beginning.The tried and true recipe was used: it was said that the protests were organized from the outside, with the help of the centers of protest. power – be it from abroad, whether from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and often Soros.We have witnessed the production of countless different revolutions, from the hot autumn, from the hot spring and others.These are all pirouettes used by the government to prevent any public expression of dissatisfaction.In the case of a protest against the murder of David Dragicevic, c it has obviously not worked – and I have the impression that it makes them very nervous, "said Mr. Topic.

Puhalo recalls the protests against the destruction of the Banja Luka municipal park in 2012, before the local elections.

"The result was a huge loss of votes by the ruling party in Banja Luka, and in terms of these protests, the justice for David is a much more serious protest, because the case of David Dragicevic has much more Weighing as the defense of the city park.On the other hand, the economic situation is much worse than it was six years ago.All of this scares the authorities of Republika Srpska After all, we never know in which direction it can go, nor to what extent the protests will affect the public opinion in Republika Srpska.There is still something we do not talk about, and because of these protests We have a completely new relationship between Sarajevo and Banja Luka: Two fathers, Darko Dragicevic from Banja Luka and Muriz Memic from Sarajevo, whose son was also killed in unclear circumstances, united to seek justice for their sons killed They did more to bring Sarajevo and Banja Luka closer than all non-governmental organizations. And this fact scares the local authorities, "adds Puhalo.

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Source: CSR

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