EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said today that the White Paper on EU-Britain relations after the Bregzite, announced by the government in London, launches a "series of questions "in the field of the economy. "He launches three rounds of questions about a future economic partnership," said Barney, transmitting Beta.
He answered the questions of whether the British proposals are "feasible" if they are "in the interest of the EU". With the principles of negotiation "set by the members of the Union.
London and Brussels have until October to organize a break and lay the foundation for future relations. worry about state of negotiations and internal challenges to British Prime Minister Theresa May's strategy
In a recent "white paper" on future relations, May proposes a new "free trade area" based on Common Regulations.
"This white paper is the fruit of a very intense debate in the United Kingdom, which is certainly necessary," Barney said at a news conference, acknowledging that "more elements" open the way to a "constructive discussion". "With regard to the respect of the European negotiating directives, Barney wonders if the British proposal respects" the integrity of the internal market, the customs union and the d is common ". He said that the responsibility of the EU was to protect the "internal market of the EU and consumers, especially during this period".
N Barney pointed out their complexity, especially in the area of customs, where the United Kingdom proposes the application of two customs duties on goods at its border, depending on whether they are destined for the market British or European.
"How can customs services determine the final destination of goods?" Barney asked, while warning of "additional bureaucracy."
He also raised the question of how the EU can delegate the enforcement of customs regulations to a country that is no longer a member of the union Barney considered that the British proposals could lead to "unfair competition" to the detriment of European firms.
He also recalled that before any negotiations on future relations, an agreement on the "orderly" bursting of Britain from the Union must be achieved and the solution to the border issue of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is currently the main problem that slows negotiations.
"We do not need more time. We need choice, decision, clarity (…) and legal certainty, "said Barney, and reiterated that the EU is also preparing for a Bregzit without agreement. 19659011]
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