The escape of the Syrian "White Helmets" with the help of the West showed for whom they were working


Moscow – the disappearance of a collaborator of the NGO "White Helmets" of Syria – with the help and support from abroad – shows on the orders of whom they were working and for whom they worked – published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

saving children in Syria

He also added that there are also symbols that the "whites" have chosen to escape with their support from their own country:

"It showed the whole world with its true face and hypocrisy. They exposed themselves in the interests of whom they acted and of which they paid the money. "

" White Helmets "Invented the Bombing of Hospitals in Syria

The "evacuation" decision was taken in Washington and Tel Aviv after the occupation of the city of Nau by the Syrian army . The last city of the southern province of Deraa. Earlier, the important city of Mahadzha fell, so that government forces regained control of an important road linking Damascus to the Jordanian state for several years.

White helmets were a paramilitary formation sold to a non-governmental humanitarian organization. They worked on instructions and ordered US, British, German and Israeli agents on the territory of Syria.

Canada has announced that it will provide shelter for the 30th Whippet. They are interested in the United States. And the head of German diplomacy, Hajko Mas, eight years old.

Why not nine or ten?

It is assumed that the eight worked for the RNB

Unofficially, Syria and Russia did not block the escape to Helsinki – at the initiative of the US President – d & # 39; 39th agreement with Donald Tramp and Vladimir Putin

The rescue of the "White Helmets" used Israel not only for their evacuation but also to erase traces of their participation in the war in southern Syria.

Two military commanders of units close to the Islamic State – Ahmed al-Nahs and Alaa al-Halaki – arrived on the territory of Israel

Damascus allowed some insurgents to south of the country of the northwestern province of Idlib, which has already accumulated about 40,000 opponents to the government.

And that is – 10 complete divisions.
