July 13, 2018 21:24 |
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The first festival of the Petrovaradin fortress in Novi Sad was visited by 44,000 people
INTRODUCTION The 18th Festival "Sortie" marked the visit of 44,000 people who spent the first night of Musical feast on the Petrovaradin fortress in Novi Sadu. This is claimed by the organizers of the best official European festival and emphasizes that if judged by the fierce start of "Exit", intense energy and spending until the early morning, "Thursday has become a new Saturday."
– This will be one of the most memorable editions Released "until now – says Julija Mitrovic of the output team – The echo of the fireworks the most gigantic in the history of "Exit", which debates for 12 minutes from the Petrovaradin fortress, still responds to Novi Sad, as well as impressions of the spectacular performance of ballet player Sergei Polunin and the group "Almazian Symphony "- The highlight of the evening, however, followed when gigantos hip-hop" Migos "came out on the stage, which appeared in the style of the big stars more than an hour after the date announced .
Read more – [19659006] OPEN 18th "EGZIT": Petrovaradin Fireworks (PHOTO + VIDEO)
] During the festival, a musical conference was held at the ITD gallery, where Dr Nele Karajlić, DJs Tijana T and Mladen Tomić, as well as Goran Milošev ić of the group "Nejkid", have tried to find a recipe for a successful international career, each of their experience.
– The success of "No smoking orchestra" is based on the good material of two decades ago, the reputation and the name of Emir Kusturica and also we had the hit "Bubamara" – it's addressed to Nele Karajlic. – In the early 1990s, festivals such as "Exit" were born, because large groups could not gather more than 100,000 people during concerts.
He is known for the success of Bregović, who, like ours, came without the help of the state, and culture is the greatest weapon that is witnessed by Bitlsi and Hollywood. Our government and our ministries should understand the message and support culture. In addition, Exit is, like other strong institutions, obliged to establish a system of support to the bands.
The general note of the actors is that there is no single recipe, but the idea of supporting everything is acceptable, because in this case the artists would be focused on creativity and relieved concerns about jobs and management obligations.
Read more – FESTIVAL "EGZIT": Daily Festivities in the camp, Mundial evening
The President of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, and Mayor Miloš Vučević, said that it was the internationally known and internationally recognized "Exit" music festival, which he is happy to participate in this year.
Interlocutors The festival is part of a series of recognitions by Serbia and Novi Sad, and Fabrici stressed that Novi Sad would mean a lot to win the title of European Capital of Culture in 2021 and the European capital of young people in 2019.
REMAINS de Ruma, Aleksandar Zivkovic and Radovan Vejic, a stay in Novi Sad, as a guarantee for the festival "Exit" in Novi Sad, will be remembered for a long time. On Thursday, at around 11 am, on the boardwalk in front of the camp, where the visitors of "Exit" were, we found a brown leather wallet with some money and some personal documents. middle-aged man from Novi Sad.
They immediately informed the duty officer, who contacted Novosadjanin, and a wallet of 600 euros and about 8,000 dinars, as well as personal documents, were returned to the owner. It turns out that he came out of his pocket on his way home
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