The Five Most Common Problems Affecting Women


The easiest, most effective and most affordable exercise form is certainly walking, but as long as you do not have a problem with aching feet, which will transform every step in agony. According to the American Orthopedic Foot Association and its articles, 80% of women have foot problems, which is most common.

Photo: Illustration

The foot is a very complex part of the human body as a hand. Physiotherapist Rick Olderman of Denver, who is the author of the book "The pain in the leg and the article, how to solve the problem," says that we still do not pay attention to our feet up to what a problem occurs.

– This is particularly true for women because they are nine times more likely to develop a problem with their feet because nine out of ten women wear shoes that are too small, seven out of ten will have their foreheads, thumbs or feet. Other painful deformities – explains this physiotherapist and adds that the first step to solving the problem is to understand that it exists.

Plantar Fascitis

If you experience pain in the lower part of the heel bone, it is a plantar fascitis appearing in the middle of the overexploitation of the foot. lead to this unpleasant pain, which is most often reported in people who engage in running over greater distances.

In the case of this pain, the training should be stopped and checked with the doctor, as delay in treatment can lead to unpleasant and severe pain, even in light physical activities such as walking. To prevent the appearance of fascitis, you should perform foot stretching exercises every day and massage your feet and leaves to relax.

Chuklets and Clawed Fingers

The most common cause of such deformities is the prolonged wearing of unsuitable, generally tight shoes that press the fingers and place them in an irregular and unnatural position. AOFS research has shown that 88% of women in the United States wear unsuitable shoes, with 55% of them developing a deformity of the toe (halux valgus).

When this deformity begins to develop, the muscles and tendons around the feet become deforming forces and lead to the development of a distortion type "halux valgus". The influence of closed shoes is significant in the beginning of this deformation.

Yes, bibs avoid this deformity, do regular exercises to strengthen the foot muscles, often walk barefoot, use open shoes and night ortos to keep the thumb in an optimal position. Also, do special exercises to correct the deformity.


You must have known swarms at least once in your life, especially after wearing new shoes.

They are usually a sign that shoes at one place are squeezing your foot too much. A good pair of shoes firmly holds the foot and supports it, but still allows you to bend normally.

So you have to choose models that fit the width of your foot, follow its line and not stretch more than necessary.

Tendinosis of the Achilles tendon

The Achilles tendon that connects the bones of the heel and the back of the leg can be irritated and inflamed "It's overused," said Suzan C. Fus, holistic pediatrician and fitness expert from New York.

This, she adds, leads to tendinosis, at which most people run and women who often walk in high-heeled shoes. The sooner you begin to heal this problem, the better.

She adds that she must avoid overwork for about a month, cool her legs with coats, and contact her doctor if the pain is too much to overwhelm the necessary medications.

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