"The government has not apologized for the victims of the fire, where are the resignations?"


Athens – The leader of the Greek opposition party, New Democracy Vasilis Kikilijas, attacked the Greek government for not pleading for fires in Athens

Source: Tanjug

  Photo: Tanjug / AP

Photo: Tanjug / AP

88 people were killed in a fire, and Kikilijas called on officials to resign following the disaster.

ANA reports that Kikilijas, in an interview with Vradini, stated that prevention is the best way to fight against fire, with human resources, by flying and by ensuring successful coordination efforts.

"In this particular case, nothing seems to be working properly: the area (affected by the fires) should have been abandoned and people would have moved safely, so that we would now be plagued by so many human lives lost. " Kikilijas.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Cipras said yesterday that he assumed full political responsibility for the fires that brought human victims to Athens.

"I want to take political responsibility for this tragedy in front of the cabinet and before the Greek people," he told ministers, after a number of criticisms of the government's failure.

million. Tusk called on ministers to take responsibility, "how difficult it is," as he says inevitably for both the prime minister and the government, reports ANA.

"We will never try to give up our responsibilities," Tisza said.

He added that the government would soon release a national plan with pockets to deal with the multicenter problem of illegal construction, Reuters reported.

The Greek Prime Minister has said and has indications that the fire was deliberately provoked.

The Greek government is going through the toughest moments since coming to power, Cyprus said, according to a Greek news agency.

The Greek opposition accused the government of arrogance and failure to protect the lives of people in the fire that ravaged the city of Mati.

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