Star of the series "Truth and lies", Jana Milic Ilic is married for more than seven years with the producer Misa Ilic .
Beautiful actress has a hard time working and recording break used to recharge the battery and spend time with her family, wife and son George .
For those who follow this adorable mom on Instagram, they can see how to spend these beautiful moments intimate. Special attention is drawn to the photo with her husband who, many ladies will agree, looks very good.
Jane and her husband are particularly interesting for the love story that they have encountered. The couple lived in the same building, and the love arrived in the elevator
– Misha and I were neighbors, we lived in the same building, it was the fifth and I was 39 years old. was on the fourth floor. For the first time we had to meet for the first time, and the beginning of our love story was played in the elevator. I came back from the road and in the elevator I met a lovely young man who smiled at me. After the first meeting, we started seeing each other almost every day – Jana said.
story.rs Luka Šarac
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