The impact of cucumber cucumbers on health


Many mistakenly think that because cucumbers are so bright and contain a lot of water, they have no nutrients. Sinti Nutritionist Ses reveals why this vegetable, which contains about 20 calories and four grams of carbohydrates, is good for health

Good for Bones

The cucumber is full of vitamin K, which is key bone health. When you mix an immature cucumber, you introduce 20% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin K. This nutrient is very important for bone formation and several studies have shown that deficiency of this vitamin is associated with an increased risk of developing vitamin C. Osteoporosis and Bone Rupture [19659002] Good for Cardiovascular Health

Cucumbers contain many antioxidants, including flavonoids, which protect against heart disease. And the seeds found in this vegetable have good effects: in one study, a small group of people with blood fat was slightly elevated, eating dried cucumber seedlings daily. After six weeks, the bad cholesterol and triglycerides decreased and the level of good cholesterol increased.


A medium sized cucumber contains 194 grams of liquid! Aside from the flow of liquid, you can put them in a glass of water and add flavor, so that you drink more water.

In addition to containing fewer calories, cucumber contains a lot of liquid and nutritious fiber. A medium sized cucumber has a quarter of the calorie that has a medium sized apple. And from a total of four grams of carbohydrate as much as a cucumber, one and a half grams of fiber comes

Reduces the risk of cancer

In addition to chicken, broccoli cabbage, strawberries and other foods, cucumber is a natural source of polyphenol type lignans). Bacteria in the digestive tract of this polyphenol turn into components that bind to estrogen receptors

Some preliminary studies have shown that it can protect against the types of cancer associated with estrogen, including the Breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancer

Good for the skin

It makes quite sense to put the toothpicks on the cake of any kind. a cucumber. The pulp of this vegetable is made of water, vitamin C, caffeic acid, natural chemicals with anti-inflammatory properties. This combination has a soothing effect on the skin, reduces irritation and the island. Because of this, cucumbers have long been a home remedy for acne and sunburn.

Helps to Combat Unfortunate Efforts

One of the most common causes of an unfortunate challenge is the bacteria that attacks food leftovers. The liquid contained in cucumbers, as well as the saliva production that accompanies mastication, help wash the opera and "spit" unpleasant smells

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