The Israeli president next week in Serbia


The Serbian President will be received by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade and Rivlin will also meet the President of the National Assembly of Serbia, Majom Gojkovic

Rivlin will be present in Serbia for the appointment of new street that will be called Benjamin Zeev (Teodor) who, although he died before the founding of a modern Jewish state, is considered the father of the state of & d,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Israel

This will mark the fact that the parents of Hercules were born and lived in Zemun at the time when this part of Belgrade belonged to the Habsburg Monarchy.

Jeruzalem post indicates that the event has "a particular echo, given the recent political developments in Israel."

Rivlin will arrive in Serbia on Thursday after visiting Croatia.

Monday evening in Zagreb, accompanied by the Minister of Economy Elijah Cohen and Agriculture Minister Uriah Ariel, accompanied by a Trade Commissioner

Rivlin must meet with the President of this country, Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and other officials

It is planned to visit the area of ​​the former death camp of Ustasha Jasenovac during his stay in Croatia [19659002] "The camp that established the Ustashas in 1941 was known for its inhumanity and savagery towards the victims", Jeruzalem post .

The list indicates that the number of deaths in Jasenovac is estimated at 600,000 to 1, 4 million, and that various investigations have concluded that the victims were less than 100,000, but that it is generally accepted that number is probably higher, not smaller.

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