The Longest Divorce in History: Marija Šriver and Arnold Švarceneger are still married, and that is the reason! (PHOTO) | celebrities


The famous actor and entertainer Arnold Švarceneger and his wife Marija Šriver could enter the Ginis record book. Namely, their divorce lasts more than seven years and there is no sign that this divorce action will end.

Švarceneger appeared in public with an extraterrestrial son: The picture and the occasion of the famous father!

photo: Profimedia

Mary's divorce petition was filed on July 1, 2011, the day she discovered that Arnold had had a love affair with a housekeeper who had given birth to his son.

When their marriage broke out, they quickly agreed for common concerns for two teenage teens, but there was a tangle of property "heavy" 400 million dollars. Yet, in the end, they agreed to all the pieces in half.

Arnold and Mary met in 1982 and four years later they married, but never signed a pre-contract.

Arnoldu is not in the interest of ending this marriage Photo: Profimedia

The media is reluctant to Mary would have sometimes shown the initiative of the final divorce

but would mostly let things go in their course. All those who know this couple say that Arnold and Mary are not sure that will come back to each other but they will not even put a "point on" and " when their marriage is in question. " After seven years it is clear that until their divorce is never likely to come, writes TMZ.

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