The loud snoring can be a symptom of a discomfort that affects the brain Telegraph


Snoring is common in middle-aged men who are overweight and cause strains in the lower limb wall. throat and thus hinders breathing

  sleep, bad sleep

Strong snoring can be an early symptom of dementia and memory problems, say scientists. People with obstructive sleep apnea, often having loud snoring, have poor memory test results, and also have brain changes related to dementia

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At least half a million Britons suffer from snoring, which is common in middle-aged men who are overweight and cause constriction of the throat walls during sleep and thus interfere with breathing. Scientists at the University of Sydney now suggest that it could shrink parts of the brain by reducing oxygen levels in the blood.

The study found that people with sleep apnea had reduced blood flow to the brain. with dementia. These brain changes were associated with poor performance in a memory test, where people were given a list of 15 items that they had to repeat after 20 minutes.

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– Our results indicate that we must screen for obstructive sleep apnea in the elderly. We should also ask older patients who attend sleep clinics about their thinking skills and the results of memory tests. There is no cure for dementia, so early intervention is very important. On the other hand, we have an effective treatment for OSA. This study shows that the diagnosis and treatment of OSA can be an opportunity to prevent cognitive decline before it is too late. – Dr. Sharon Najsmit says

Photo-illustration: Profimedia / The low-level people in their blood have a reduced memory level

The results of the study show that people with a low level of memory oxygen in the blood have a reduced level of gray matter. . This loss of brain volume is associated with devastating memory loss in patients with dementia. Although the study is not closely related to dementia, it showed that people who saw brain changes observed on scanners had a worse test of 15 cases

– between 30 and 50% of the risk of dementia. , hypertension, obesity and smoking. In recent years, researchers have recognized that various sleep disorders are also risk factors for dementia.

Sleep apnea can be treated with airway relief devices that prevent the closure of the airways during sleep.

Photo-illustration: Profimedia can be treated with a respirator to relieve breathing Routes

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