The northern hemisphere is getting hotter, fires in Sweden, unheated heat in Japan and Canada


Last week, the Swedish authorities launched an exceptional appeal for international assistance to prevent the increasingly serious fires in the country in recent days.

After months of rains and high temperatures for weeks the "Guardian" writes

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The results were scary. A number of forest fires escaped and last week more than 50 forests were on fire, many in the Arctic belt.

The state known for the cold and the snow was found in an inevitable battle of fires and was forced to look 19659002] Throughout the northern hemisphere, North America, in the Arctic, Northern Europe and Africa, it was recorded in the northern hemisphere are record temperatures.

The Algerian meteorological station in the Sahara recorded a temperature of 51.3 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature ever recorded in Africa.

In Japan, where temperatures reached 40 degrees, people were called to precaution after the death toll reached 30, and thousands of people are housed in hospitals.

 Killed hot weathered earth summer morgefile com jpg

In California, the use of air conditioners was increased to the extent that there were shortages of electricity [19659002] However, pamphlet lists may be the biggest impact this year's heat could be felt in Canada where temperatures were above 30 degrees in Toronto for 18 days

Scientists say this year Earth's factors were so powerful that they could overcome the power of climate change itself

Dozens of people died from the effects of a particularly hot weather. As the press wrote, the morgue in Montreal was buried in the bodies of people who died of heat, many of whom had to be placed in other parts of the city

. Montreal has never experienced a similar problem, according to the city's chief pathologist [19659002Great-Bretagnel'sHeatoftheGlasgowafondCentrescientificCentrewhileprairiesalloverthecountryhavebeenburned

The current heatwave has become a global problem, says the Guardian. on the northern hemisphere affected by this weather

Most scientists point to a number of factors related to global warming, but others warn that there are more.

"In recent weeks, extremely high temperatures have been measured, but it is not necessary to overestimate climate change.One of these factors is the current, a core of strong winds of eight at 11 kilometers above the surface of the Earth blowing from west to east, and weather management around the world .. Sometimes, when they are intense, these winds bring storms , and when the weak brings peaceful days, that is what is happening now.

"The current is currently very low and the high atmospheric pressure areas remain long on the same

D". other factors that create weather conditions and that led to this heat include significant changes in sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic.

"This is part of a phenomenon known as the name of Atlantic Multi-Century Oscillation. has been similar to that since 1976, when we had similar temperatures in the Atlantic and a constant current, and of course, this year was one of the sunniest and hottest droughts in the UK. United in the twentieth century, "said Professor Adam Skejf, of the Office of Meteorology

However, one of the major differences between this year and 1976, said Professor Tim Ozborn, director of the # 39; unit of climate research at the University of East Anglia

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"The basis on which these effects work today he is with a radically different. Since 1976, we have experienced several decades of global warming due to carbon leakage, which has dramatically increased global temperatures, "said Ozborn.

As a result, any phenomenon, such as the current, will have a more pronounced effect than it did 40 years ago Scientists point out that thermal waves will become more frequent and will deteriorate as carbon emissions increase. , and that the problem will not be solely terrestrial

"We also have heat waves around the world.For example, last year, a sea heat wave hit the coast of Australia. He has devastated the vast parts of the Great Coral Reef, and these phenomena are becoming more and more frequent, like those of the earth, "said Michael Borous, an institute of the oceans in Scotland

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