The Pentagon and the US coalition: We do not intervene in the situation in southern Syria



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The United States does not intend to interfere in the situation in southern Syria, where Syrian forces the army entered into a ceasefire with the armed forces of the opposition and took control of the border with Jordan, the Pentagon and the United States-led International Coalition for Counter-Terrorism

. Jordan "Nasib" in south-west Syria.

On Saturday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that an agreement had been reached with the leaders of the armed formations of Dera province, Syria, to put an end to combat and handover operations.

"The US Department of Defense still focuses on the destruction of AES in eastern Syria and does not conduct any operations in the west of Syria.The days of the real caliphate are counted and we can not give up its final destruction, we insist that the regime and other current actors reach a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis as soon as possible, through the Geneva process, "said the Pentagon press service .

The US-led coalition confirmed that she was still in constant contact with Russian troops in Syria in order to avoid conflict, but not to discuss political issues with them.

Dera province is part of the southwestern part of Syria's headquarters region, which was approved at the highest level in July 2017 by Russia, the United States and Jordan.

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