"The red light bursts, the most aggressive factor of Russia"


Washington – Director of National Intelligence Services USA Den Kouts warned that the continuation of the assault on the United States has increased.

Source: Tanjug

  Photo: Gettyimages / Adam Berry

He said that "the red light again", almost two decades after the attack of September 11, 2001, "Voice of America" ​​

" Russia, China, Iran and North Korea daily attack the computers of government agencies, companies and academic institutions federal, state or local, "said the head of US intelligence. these four countries, Russia is the most aggressive factor.

He quoted this in a speech at the Hadson Institute after the US Department of Justice released a new indictment against 12 Russians who drove IT Democrats and candidate Hillary Clinton and were involved in the US presidential election two years ago.

It is alleged that Kouts warned that "there is a growing risk of cyberattacks against foreign countries that can destroy critical US infrastructure." The Sands Attack was linked to the "alarming activities" detected by US intelligence agencies before the attacks on Al Qaeda on September 11, 2001.

"There are red lights on it, after two decades I say red lights are falling again, "said Kouts.

He said that the US government had not yet detected any new Russian attacks on polling stations and the voter database like those before the 2016 elections.

" Still, we are certain that we are one click away from a similar situation, "Kouts said. "Voice of America" ​​states that Kouts said that at the same time, individual actors in Russia who mired in elections, reused fake orders of social networking to spread false information and stimulate political divisions in the United States. United.

Kouts cited people related to the Internet research agency of St. Petersburg, whose members are already identified in the indictment of the special prosecutor Robert Maler.

"China is focusing primarily on stealing military and industrial secrets and has opportunities that Russia does not have," said Kouts, claiming that Moscow's goal of destroying American values and democratic institutions

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