The sea vacation near the beautiful OBLATNO: Two tourists died in the collision of yachts and sailboats! | region


<img itemprop = "image" src = " "alt =" Pjotr ​​Martin Makovski (39) and Emily Agneska Pjaskovska (46) from Poland have died, and several people were injured in a marine accident that occurred around 12 pm in the bay. Oblatno in Trace Bay in Montenegro when a yacht and a sailboat collided.

<img alt = "sailboat" m_id = "1568203" src = " ver = 1532962996 [19659005] sailboat picture:ša Luković

When the Montenegrin media broke, a "Fliper" sailboat sailed under the British flag and the "Karuker" sailboat with the flag of Poland was crushed Skipper Ivan Fatovic (30) from Tivat was operated by the skipper "Fliper", and according to the informal reports, he crashed at a speed of more than 20 knots. At the moment of striking the Polish sailing boat did not sail on the sail, but on the engine.

– The "Flipper", which hit the stern of the sailboat, next to the skipper, there were three adults, including the owner of the boat, the Russian Sergei Hatulov of Moscow, as well as two children. None of them was injured. On the sailing ship, besides the two passengers killed, there was also a skipper and five children, as well as another person who would have fallen into the sea during an accident, but one of the yachts nearby was quickly recovered and saved – they said Montenegrin Media

x 14 persons on board
x 7 children were found on yachts and sailboats
x 2 people killed in an accident

Rescue vessels from the Marine Safety Directorate and Kotor Port Security Inspectors and Marine Zelenika's crew were sent to the site site, including the MUP helicopter and the protection service. investigation.

– The boats sailed to Luci Zelenika, where the view was to be made. There were many children on one yacht, two on the other and five on the other. There were a total of 14 people on both yachts, of which 12 were saved. Medical aid has been damaged on Earth, "said Safet Kočan of the Maritime Safety Directorate.

( / J.I./ Photo: News / Siniša Luković)


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