The second day of the NATO summit, Tramp "declared victory"


Donald Tramp once again attacked allies for his small contributions to defense and his European business practices. At a closed session on the second day of the NATO summit, the US President raised the tone, and in particular he set aside Germany, Spain and Europe. Belgium, according to sources Reuters . At one point, Tramp, violating the diplomatic protocol, addressed the German Chancellor saying, "Angela, you have to do something about it," he told AFP. an anonymous source

Tramp said at a press conference after the meeting that the United States remains firmly attached to NATO, although they are "extremely unhappy" because the Member States do not keep the promise of defense allowances.

The American president told his allies that he would be "very displeased" "The United States will probably pay 90% of NATO spending," he said.

He also pointed out that Alliance members were committed to increasing their defense spending, -Bi-Si. Tramp says that NATO countries have announced allocations of more than two percent of GDP to the defense budget.

Asked at a press conference about the threat of withdrawing from NATO and about the possibility of doing so Tramp replied: "I think I could probably, but it does not. is not necessary, "reports the AP

. A number of media reports that Tramp had arrived at the NATO summit on the second day of the NATO summit. military alliance because of a dispute over the investment in defense.

Tramp commented at a press conference the United States with Iran. The US president is convinced that one day he will tear up the tension and say that he is waiting for a call from Tehran

He believes that Tehran is now treating a lot more respect for Washington since the US was are withdrawn from the nuclear agreement, Reuters .

Tramp said that he knows that Iran has a lot of problems and that their economy will collapse.

Comments of the Allies

Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters after the meeting that all members were expressing

She confirmed that Donald Tramp raised again the question of a better burden sharing among Member States and that everyone was saying that they were "on the way".

"This summit was very intense," commented is the German Chancellor.

French President Emanuel Macron announced that he France has reached an agreement according to which 2% of GDP would be spent on defense by 2024.

Macron stressed that cohesion within of NATO is possible that if the burden is distributed "equitably", the agency

Besides the United States, which devote about 3.5% of their GDP in defense, only the United Kingdom, Poland, Greece and Estonia have reached the target set for defense allowances. France's defense allocates about 1.8% of GDP to defense.

Lithuanian President Dalia Gribauskajte told reporters that Tramp was not threatening the United States to leave NATO for a moment. Gribauskajte replied, "I would not interpret it like that."

Despite the very lively tone of the two days of the summit, the American president, in his style, attacked allies of the Alliance and ".

Invited to comment on the comments of the Tramp on Twitter Emanuel Macron said: "The debates had a different tone, they were held with respect," reported the agency Reuters . Brussels will travel to London to visit the UK

British Prime Minister Theresa Mej told reporters in Brussels that her new proposal on the Bregita fulfilled what the British had voted.

Maya responded to the Tramp's statement that she was not sure that the British prime minister had embarked on a different path.People, reports Reuters .

"We now meet what the British voted, c & # 39; what our proposal is doing, "Maya told the press. [ad_2]
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