THE SERBIAN TENNISER WAS ON THE LUNCH STONE: The officers arrived in Kalemegdan, and EVO what the newlyweds discovered before the wedding! (KURIR TV) | Stars


The former professional tennis player and coach Dusan Vemic and his partner, actress Jelena Zivanovic, stopped on "crazy rock" and for this occasion they organized a party in Kalemegdan.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

The sportsman and his wife arrived at the restaurant at 18:30, and for the Courier, they discovered some details of the wedding.

"Today is a wonderful day for us, there are our families and our friends … Frankly, now we will eat because we are hungry and we will go out with the closest ones … As for the first dance, it will be something different, me to the moon, "said the happy bride.

photo: Damir Dervišagić

The stars of the sports scene were also seen, and Viktor Troicki accompanied by his elected Aleksandra appeared in Kalemegdan.

Then Janko Tipsarevic, the tennis player.

Like Nenad and Mina Zimonjic.

Also, the celebrations were attended by Ilija Bozoljac with his wife Andrian, Milutin Popovic Zahar, Merima Njegomir …

Interestingly, a close friend of a tennis player did not come to the wedding due to his obligations in Monaco. / J.S./ Photo: Damir Dervišagić


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