The skin type does not match the coconut oil


In some cases, a very popular coconut product has proven to be ineffective.

Long talked about the benefits of coconut oil, its beneficial properties on skin and hair, healing scars and slowing down According to dermatologists and scientists at Mount Hospital Sinai, Doso Zaichner, according to the dermatologist and the scientist, coconut oil loads the face, closes the pores and prevents the skin from breathing, contributes to the tired appearance and does not prevent the appearance of acne. , coconut oil is still "hard" for the face:

"Although this oil has many benefits, it still closes the pores.Conqually, coconut oil is very saturated and at Instead of absorbing it into the skin, it will stay on top of it.It is not particularly recommended for people prone to acne and mythologists. "

Although oil Coconut is rich in vitamin E, linoleic acid that smokes irritated skin, it has not proven so effective against acne and pimples.

Only in some cases, it has proved excellent against inflammation of the skin and acne. "Here we must keep in mind, not the healing properties of oil, how many genes.Some skin types, coconut oil are very important, others not Some are very sensitive to this product, and others do not, and in these cases, genetics play a vital role, "says the dermatologist.

Maybe the only way to determine if coconut oil is really your face. That's because there are anti-acne lotions and gels and creams on the market that have a better effect, "advises Dr. Zaichner, reports Elle.

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