The tramp must not turn his back on NATO before meeting Putin


Donald Trampa is expecting in the coming days two important meetings – the NATO summit in Brussels and negotiations with the Russian president in Helsinki, wrote the former spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. State Victoria Nuland in a New York Times article.

According to her, the leader of the White House is obliged to show unity with his allies in order to consolidate his position during a meeting with the "Kremlin leader". Otherwise, the Alliance will be destroyed, and Putin will have a new force, which will lead to the weakening of the United States and their defeats in the competition of the big states, said Nulandova

According to the way whose American President will open his cards, According to her, the unity of the Atlantic Alliance and the "decisive negotiations" with Putin will show the aspiration of Washington to stand apart from the allies and to "resist strategic rivals".

According to her, the North Atlantic alliance and the "decisive negotiations" Otherwise, Tramp could spend all the power and influence of the United States, "insulting and sharing" partners.

"It all depends on how President Tramp will perform in Brussels and Helsinki: as someone who, according to his adviser for It warns the author.

She believes that if Tramp uses the NATO meeting to give Moscow a harmonized signal, it will multiply the possible effect, because they will speak on behalf of "dozens of free countries, and it's just America. "

According to Victoria Nuland, it is long time for the Russian and American presidents to meet each other. In relations between the two countries, there are a multitude of problems whose resolution calls for negotiations at the highest level.

With the arrival of the Prime Minister, the total budget of the Alliance reached 14.4 billion dollars. The 28 members of NATO, in addition to one, increase defense costs and 26 increase the share of their participation in its missions, underlines the author.

The President, as she pointed out, must celebrate this success, be useful and accelerate The second NATO success worth celebrating is the creation of two new military commands that will increase combat readiness and the rapid deployment of Alliance troops, "said Nuland.

These measures, aimed at neutralizing other "Moscow territorial ambitions", should strengthen Tramp's position in Helsinki. The leader of the White House, however, risks losing his trump when he again points out that the allies are unnecessarily trapped which the Americans do not need, warns Victoria Nuland.

Putin, who benefits the most from disagreements within NATO relies on another variant. For the Helsinki meeting to be fully successful, only one money is needed. And in this case, Tramp also has a "strong combination of cards" as Ronald Regan did in 1982, Victoria Nuland is convinced

"The United States and the West need more Putin We need sanctions to be weakened He needs foreign direct investment and trade He needs the extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty after its expiration in 2021 for not having to give money for a new generation of weapons, "says Victoria Nuland.

She adds that Putin wants the United States to leave Syria the army will allow him to conquer eastern oil sources in order to cover the costs of the war.

All this, according to Victoria Nuland, gives Tramp a significant influence in Helsinki if it acts decisively as Regan. Putin mixes in our elections and d and offers the free weakening of sanctions, Tramp with NATO behind can restore to American diplomacy the former size if it shows Putin that normal relations with us require civilized behavior of Russia in the world. The alternative is to destroy NATO and Putin, who has mustered new forces to weaken America. Tramp will then appear as a loser of the great national competition that he himself has published, "concludes Victoria Nuland

Read HERE The Collapse of the NATO Pact threatens


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