"THE WINNERS ARE THE BIRTH OF GOD" Mitropolit Amvrosie says more than 70 people were injured because CIPRAS ATEISTA


<img src = "https://ocdn.eu/pulscms-transforms/1/gn7k9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvTXprN01EQV8vNDk4YzgwMmYyYTA0MjliN2YzODAxM2NkYzFkMjljN2UuanBlZ5GTAs0C5ACBoTAB" alt = "The Greek Metropolitan Ambrose says of catastrophic fires, two days in Greece and in which more than 50 people were killed, and dozens of them are missing, while many are homeless, the punishment of God because the people who run the country, led by Prime Minister Alexis Cipras, are atheists.

We We all know that the limit is unlimited and this is confirmed once again when Greece eats 74 people, many of them children, as well as dozens of wounded and missing people who lost their lives in the Greek tragedy called " Atomic fires. "This time around, the evidence of boundless wisdom comes from the lips of a man who claims to be one of the holy men of the church. Greek orthodox, no less than metropolitan Ambrosius, written in the Greek blog keeptalkinggreece


A holy man with endless hatred in the soul was not ashamed to claim that fires were a sign of God's lament because he was the prime minister of atheism. adding that

"Greece was destroyed by smoke and fire."

Describing Cyprus as a "slanderer" because he interrupted his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and returned to Athens last night, Amvrosi wrote that atheists levitated) are the causes of a general disaster and that their atheism is provoked by the God of God.

"Extreme Natural Disasters Have Stricken Our Country by Destroying and Possessing People!"

Quoting the Holy Spirit of the New Testament, Amvrosi Concludes:

"At Times Far From God, He Will Express His Griefs through various natural disasters such as earthquakes, hunger, epidemics and infectious diseases, bloodshed, crime, devastating fire, clouds of smoke that will rise to heaven! Who, I am wondering, is responsible for the transformation of modern Greece from the path of God? Who else? It is the Atheist Prime Minister, Mr. Aleksis Cipras and his associates: these are some of their achievements, "writes Amvrosi, publishing a long list of" Atheist Achievements ". It starts from the fact that Tigris does not "baptize his child" He then accused the Prime Minister and the associates of abolishing the religious oath for ministers (which is wrong), removing baptisms and icons from schools and public institutions, abolish morning prayer in schools and pride, "the spread of nudism and immorality, as well as the criminality of the anarchist Ruvikonas.

Photo: Alexandros Vlachos / EPA

The list is long but who wants to read "The seven fears of Greece and their causes" is it special? Especially when this list is written by a man who has never heard of climate change and who likes to attribute human responsibility and ignorance to the unseen force and the unmanageable superior power as it is.

A man who essentially forgets the catastrophic fires in Ilija district in 2007 when 84 people lost their lives

But in 2007, the power was a conservative and religious New Democracy that this "holy" n & rsquo; Did not include your "List of Sword". You could at least hear about respect for the victims and their bereaved families. But no, he will not hear it.

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