The worst health problems caused by lack of sleep


Even the strongest cup of coffee will not protect you from these negative health consequences …

Source: B92

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Thinkstock / Illustration

Increased risk of developing various diseases: In a recent study involving 45,000 people, fewer than six or more Nine hours of sleep a day greatly increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Increased blood pressure: Lack of sleep affects the growth of blood pressure, which over time can damage heart muscle, arteries, kidneys, weakness or loss of vision.

Impairment of the immune system and reduced effect of certain vaccines: Vaccines are medical preparations containing substances derived from microorganisms, treated in a special way that suppresses their infectious properties, but which are created so that the body succeeds in producing antibodies. certain diseases or diseases. However, a study measuring the presence of antibodies before and after the vaccine against hepatitis B showed that depletion weakens the immune system and that the body is unable to produce adequate antibodies. The body's response was less pronounced in people who slept less than six hours a day.

Stress: Lack of sleep causes an increase in the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Higher Mortality Rate: Three in-depth studies have shown that there is more chance that people who sleep less than five hours a day will die for any reason.

Negative Impact on Creativity: It is known that the brain spontaneously reorganizes information, so it is not surprising that it is so difficult to focus and think of new ideas when you are uninhabited.

Irritability: A two-year study of 78 people showed that lack of sleep intensifies negative emotions. Nineteen studies published in Sleep magazine have shown that burnout, in fact, has a much greater negative impact on mood than on the weakening of cognitive and motor skills.

Mediocre Results: Research has shown that students who slept the least had higher test scores of students who slept 8-9 hours a day. Different cycles take place in the brain during sleep, whereby information becomes part of the permanent memory. Sleep also slows the metabolism and heart rate, to facilitate the process.

Bad decisions: Many areas of the brain play a role in making good decisions, and lack of sleep results in a double reduction of their function.

Eye Titration: Lack of sleep causes nystagmus – rhythmic and reluctant contraction of the eyeballs even when the head is not moving.

Negative Impact on Fertility: Scientists have not yet made a definitive finding, but, according to a study published in the journal Sleep Medicine, it has been shown that lack of sleep negatively affects reproductive hormones and reduces the chances of conception.

Negative impact on libido: San or Sex? When you are really exhausted, you can hardly choose, because the dream falls on your eyes.

Obesity: A large number of studies have shown that a lack of sleep speeds up the accumulation of books. This problem is due to disorders of the secretion of scars, to the hormone that regulates the appetite, and to leptin, a hormone that suppresses hunger, which can lead to chronic overeating. Research on single-blind twins has also shown that lack of sleep affects the gene activation responsible for storing fat in the body, increasing the risk of obesity.

Eating Emotions: In a recent study of 114 students, scientists found that it was more likely that we were going to get food when we were very tired under the strong influence of children. emotions.

Depression: There is a lot more chance that depression will occur in people with insomnia.

Increased risk of car accident: People suffering from lack of sleep in the simulations had the same number of accidents as those in an alcoholic state.

Slow Reactions: If you have not planned enough time for your brain, you will not receive information, will not process it and respond at the same speed. You will do the job successfully, but you will need a lot more time.

Negative Impact on Partner Health: Although you may be a werewolf person in terms of late bedtime, there is a great chance that you will disrupt your partner's dream when you go to go to bed

Tremors: Tremors can interfere with your ability to perform precise movements, so you may have problems with some of the most unusual activities of the day such as pulling a needle in a thread or contracting your eyebrows .

Premature aging: Lack of sleep causes increased secretion of different growth hormones, which firm the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles. A high level of cortisol will cause the breakdown of collagen, a protein that gives the skin softness and elasticity.

Dry Skin: San accelerates the hydration of the skin to prevent it from drying out and sweating.

Acne and Pimples: If your body does not have enough time to rest and regenerate, the level of stress increases and the body responds by producing more hormones than glucocorticoids. This causes a tissue structure disorder that will make your face more sensitive to acne and pimples. Lack of sleep also causes inflammation that aggravates the irregularities of the skin.

Pale or Oily Skin Tones: Sleep improves circulation, so lack of sleep can cause dark circles around the eyes or irregular, gray or pale circles.

Increased Sensitivity of the Skin : Your immune system weakens while you sleep, so your lack of sleep makes your skin more sensitive or deteriorates under certain conditions, such as rosacea or Eczema

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