These body parts burn in the sun first, there is only one way to protect them (VIDEO) | Telegraph


Even clouds can even increase the amount of UV radiation, as well as the proximity of water and bright sand that the reflect, which means you can burn then when you expect it the least

When someone says you're "a little reddish", know that your skin has already begun to change and that it's not the same. it is microscopic. Redness causes UVA and UVB radiation, which damages the DNA, and therefore the skin, which can cause melanoma in the area, warns dermatologists. But our skin has a natural defense, in the form of a dark pigment called melanin, which gives skin cells a darker color and blocks radiation to minimize damage.

Melanin gives color

Some people have it more and more naturally makes it darker and more resistant to radiation, and other people can "get" melanin over time in response to small doses of UV radiation, since melanin is secreted by a specialized cell called melanocytes. This melanin usually takes one to three days to enter the skin cells, and when that happens, you will darken it. In the case of brighter people, it causes damage that occurs in a short period of time, but after 15 minutes of exposure to the sun's rays, because natural melatonin does not protect them enough. A simple walk in the city or by car can cause redness in the most complex parts of the body, such as the neck, shoulders and face.

The shoulders, chest, and abdomen are the fastest burning sites. and faces. Even clouds can increase the amount of UV radiation, as well as the proximity of water and bright sand that reflects it, which means you can burn even when you least expect it. That is why it is very important to dress regularly with sunscreen, and as the temperature rises, your protection factor should also increase. People do not take the nose, cheeks, back, ears and feet. When you go out, do not forget to take these parts of the body because they are sensitive and easy to burn.

Special precautions should be taken for children as the amount of sun exposure during childhood is very important. For people who have had five or more serious burns during childhood or adolescence, the risk of melanoma is doubled. Our body reacts to DNA damage, so before melanin comes into effect, cells are resolved that are damaged in a process called apoptosis. This reduces the possibility of cell inhibition and uncontrolled reproduction.

Photo: Profimedia / The body reacts to the damage of DNA, so before the entry into force of melanin, the cells are damaged

The anti-inflammatory response

Dead cells just hang on the skin a few days later. In deeper layers of the skin, dead cells are also removed, and to do this, a series of changes known as an anti-inflammatory response is triggered, and this is the same as your body has during l & # 39; infection. The veins and capillaries develop, allowing the blood flow to increase, so there is a feeling of warmth on the skin. Excessive production of certain proteins causes pain and itching of bubbles. Blood plasma accumulates near damaged tissues and helps to treat

TOP 5 signs that you already have "more dangerous" burns

1. Scab

If the skin starts to itch while you are still in the sun, these are the first signs of warning. At this point, the inflammatory cytokines have already begun to break free. Just fight not to comb them.

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2. Hot and Red

When the skin turns red, it means that the capillaries have spread, and this has occurred for ten minutes after exposure to the sun. The sunburns are hot to the touch and the "overheating" can last up to three days

Photo-Illustration: Profimedia / Alamy / The sunburns are hot to the touch, and the "overheating" can last up to To three days

] 3. Tightening

After the initial sensation of intense heat, a slight tension of the skin follows, due to increased blood flow to the affected area . Avoid hot showers and tight clothing to breathe skin.

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4. White to Touch

If you do not know if you are going to burn yourself, you can easily check it. The skin under the burn becomes white to the touch because by pressing it, it temporarily blocks the blood flow in this area, which in turn reduces the redness.

5. Dehydration

If you have burns, your body will begin to feel dehydrated, making the visible skin visibly dry. It is best to let your body dry naturally after the shower.





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