These teas have an effect 3 times stronger than an hour of exercise in the gym! | Beautiful and healthy


After the water, tea is the most consumed liquid to which the people of the planet profit. Since they are made from different but very potent plants teas can help you alleviate the most diverse problems and help you to save your health.

But there are those who can help you lose weight for hours! These teas have a stronger effect than an hour of exercise in a gym!

Green Tea

One of the best known teas that connects to various health benefits. It is also one of the most powerful when it comes to losing weight. The fact is that green tea extract is extremely rich in catechins powerful natural antioxidants that speed up metabolism and stimulate fat burning, especially in the stomach area.

White tea

This drink is made from plants very little worked carefully harvested. Its sweet, delicate and light taste is completely different from all other teas. Scientists have examined its effects on the human body and found that regular sepsis and how it helps, enhance immunity to suppressing the growth of cancer cells .

White tea contains the same amount of catechins as green, which means that it contributes to rapid and effective weight loss . Nevertheless, its advantage is that it can prevent the storage of new fat cells!

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Black Tea

Similar to green and white tea, black is associated with weight loss. It is rich in antioxidants with flavonoids also known as polyphenols which are associated with the loss of pounds. In addition, polyphenols help stimulate the hoses and the production of certain fatty acids that speed up the metabolism.

In addition, black tea has the power to stabilize blood sugar levels if we believe a recent study. Scientists have found that drinking coffee and tea can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Specifically, drinking 3 cups of black tea a day can reduce the risk of oddbating type 2 for the incredible [42]


Known for its soothing effects, Tea of ​​ Nutmeg is recommended to all for better health. It belongs to the same family as the mother-in-law and, in addition to stress, improves the quality of sleep and improves the condition of the skin and hair. The tea of ​​the matrix is ​​an excellent drink for all those who want to improve the digestion.

This drink accelerates the process of digestion and regulates clean stools . It is also packed with antioxidants that cleanse the bloodstream, detoxify the body and establish a balance in hormone levels that often make you hungry.

Cinnamon Tea

The tea of ​​this scented spice has a very low calorie content and is ideal if you want to control your blood sugar, which will result in fewer calories and will prevent culture. Regular consumption of cinnamon helps the digestive system to function properly, and when it comes to stomach problems, cinnamon can act as a magic pill. A mixture of cinnamon and honey has the power to speed up the metabolism and "make" the body stops storing fat.

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photo: Profimedia

Kurkuma tea

Fantastic yellow spice that gives the color of food and preserves human health. The primary antioxidant of this spice is curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. Turmeric can help you stop the culture, place the place on obesity and relieve or cure metabolic disorders.

Curcumin also suppresses inflammation, prevents insulin resistance, stabilizes blood sugar levels and other metabolic conditions usually due to obesity. When the body does not have to fight inflammation, it's easier for him to focus on weight loss, so what to do with the turkey in your diet or take it through the teas!

Lemon and Ginger Tea

A series of benefits that lemon and ginger bring to the body are probably known to all, and one of the most interesting is the l-39 metabolism acceleration. Lemon tea and ginger provides 3 times more energy than coffee and sugar, is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and has the power to boost your immunity. It also helps to normalize blood sugar levels, because of which oscillations have frequent hunger strikes. In addition, this tea positively influences the health of the liver, improves digestion and improves body fat and prevents their accumulation.

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