THIS IS A WOMAN WHO HAS COMEDED THE BEACH IN SARAJEVO: Prepared in the nursing home of a newborn from the apartment! (VIDEO) | Region


  THIS IS A WOMAN WHO KILLED THE BEBI TO SARAJEVO: Prepared in a nursing home nurse! (VIDEO)

Photo: Printscreen

Dedicic was introduced on Thursday as a nurse and kidnapped a baby from the couple Ismailovsky's apartment. She was quickly discovered and located, and the boy is alive and well restored to his parents.

After the abduction of babies in Hadzici, various constructions and doubts about the reasons and how the abduction came, but for now it is certain that it has long been planned and well organized.

As a reminder, Dedic rented a car, wore a white coat, a surgical mask and a stethoscope around his neck to make sure everyone was a nurse. When she arrived at Igmanska Street, she asked the girl who was playing in front of the entrance number 19 and after the girl showed her that she went to the apartment .

When she was only the aunt's aunt in the apartment, she sent him to the bathroom to clean the water that she would have spilled. then locked up the girl and escaped with the child. Meanwhile, the mother of the child was in the municipality to report the baby, and the father was at work.

The neighbors who heard the noise and noise when the aunt pounded the bathroom door and asked for help. She was helped by the first neighbor who released her, then she was called by the police who responded very quickly. A large number of police officers, a team of prosecutors and the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been informed of the discovery of a boy.

Dedic's mobile is located and, on the basis of surveillance cameras, it was discovered that she entered the Ferijalac inn in Marijin-Dvor where the police found her and stopped.

According to unofficial information, in August of last year, her husband complained that she was pregnant – and that was an introduction to the deadly events.

She would then have asked the doctor to issue a certificate stating that she had lost her baby, but as she did not have it, she had to "give birth" – in her case, bring a newborn as if she were – to support her A lie about pregnancy. Photo Screen Printing


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