This is definitely not to be done: Megan Markl caused SKANDAL in the royal family


Although it is well known that members of the royal family never publicly express their opinions and political attitudes, Megan Markl would not learn either Megan Markl by chance or not in the middle of the debate to know whether or not he should express his political opinion during an official visit to Ireland. Namely, Megan, 36, who had always been proud of her feminist attitudes during the visit, had to engage in a conversation with Dablin's Senate.

And all of this may not have such resonance in the media that Ketrin Nun did not rent to Tviter, revealing that Megan was in agreement with the results of his work. a recent referendum on the legalization of abortion.

Although he later deleted the message and said that it was an innocent and benign conversation. this was not the case. In his first rumor, he said: "It was a pleasure to meet Prince Hari and the Duchess of Saxony at the residence of the British Embassy.The Duchess and I talked about the recent results of the she followed and finally satisfied with the results obtained After posting several comments after her announcement that Megan, expressing her political opinion and position, In fact, Ketrin Nun has wiped out television, then wrote that it was a real pleasure to meet the Duchess guliver / gettyimages

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