Like this, Mator PENALISE Sanj on an important date, and here's what to do for her! (PHOTO)
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27/07/2018 19:16
Jovana Tomić Mator and Sanja Stanković started their relationship with the Million Auditorium, in the most prestigious rivals of the region, "Zadruzi". Although they were afraid of the reactions of the closest ones but also people in general, they approved all positive comments and Zadruja their love of the world.
They marked the 10 months of connection and surprised Sanj with sweets and balloons. , for whom the blonde was delighted
"Thank you for the most beautiful 10 months", wrote Mator in a greeting card sent to his girlfriend
[19459018"IlnousrestedixmoispourdemainmaisquandmamanviendranousnepourronspascélébrerJ'aiététrèssurprisJovanaalaissélecadeaudansl'appartementetestalléetquandjesuisvenuetj'aivucequ'ellefaisaitj'étaisvraimentinquietJevaisprendresondînercesoirpourmarquercettedateimportante" Sanja told the portal Pink.rs
World [19659009] World, Instagram
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