Tivat – girl found of the girl


Portal Standard finds that according to the results of the initial investigation there is no evidence of violence on the nose of the body and the cause of death is unknown

Therefore, the prosecutor of Podgorica ordered the autopsy of his body without life.

The circumstances in which Peković was injured are unknown, but the motive under the assumption of violent death is not yet apparent.

According to unofficial information, Svetlana Peković is the last road seen in the middle of the evening in Tivat, Kalimano near the hotel "Helada".

While the search for an injured person lasted, the police listened to a large number of people with whom she was in contact and she knew about it.

For the moment, it was not established that Pekovic was in conflict and had problems. dove

The members of Tivta's Rescue and Protection Service, his body, were found in a nearby forest between the houses and Bonići Beach

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