Berlin – More and more earthquakes in Bay of Bavaria, Saxony and Echy are the reasons why geophysics wonders if a volcano is under the nemesis of Bavaria.
Source: Tanjug
Illustration: Getty Images
"We record increased activity," confirmed Torsten Dam of a particular geolocation center in Potsdam by not listing the list " Fraje Prese ". He also pointed out that earthquakes are widening and the cyclone is decreasing.
Only 1,000 earthquakes were recorded during the proliferation, most of which are photomicrographs, but one tenth could have been felt. "We think we are watching a buzz of a volcano," he says, adding that he says more about the fact that the magma reservoir is in the Egerer Basin.
"Three decades of measurements in this region show increasing intensity.Poto speaks of slow processes, it is relatively short," says Dam.
His argument is supported by the fact that the activity from the ground dates back to 1997.
With sensors at a depth of 400 meters Dam and its international team, that is, goes underground. "That's why we have an inscription to record and we have weak microspheres and we are better and deeper on the ground, "said Mr. Dam, adding that he hoped to launch the necessary loops this year
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