Tramp and Putin and the arms race?


Washington – The Associated Press (AP) writes that one of the topics of the upcoming US-Russian summit, Donald Tramp and Vladimir Putin, could be an attack of arms.

Source: Beta / AP

  Photo: EPA-EFE / Mikahail Klimentyev

Photo: EPA-EFE / Mikahail Klimentyev

Tramp is quite ambiguous about the issue of nuclear weapons, Speaking of a possible meeting with Putin , the US president said in March in the same sentence that the arms race "escapes control" and will never allow any country to have arms "even about America", even though the Russia already has it.

The manifestation of these conflicting tendencies during talks with Putin in Helsinki could have a significant impact on the direction of US defense policy, writes AP.

In Brussels, before leaving the NATO summit, the journalist asked Trump whether she raised the issue of the US's longstanding claims that Russia is violating the agreement on the cold war and advocates the extension of the new START agreement. who in the past criticized him. Tramp's answer was "yes," which, according to AP, is the first public indication that he wants to extend the New START agreement, which expires in three years.

Then, Friday, the US president declared indefinitely that "it would be an incredible achievement if we could do something about the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons".

The Tramp government has so far shown little interest in further reducing the arsenals of US and Russian strategic nuclear weapons, and more concerned with the formulation of its own nuclear policy and the fight against the nuclear threat of North Korea.

Russian and American strategic nuclear weapons, able to guess the territory of the other, deal with the "New START" agreement, negotiated by the Barack Obama administration in 2010. Under this agreement, the two countries may have up to 1,550 strategic nuclear warheads. Obama has advocated further cuts, but Moscow and Washington have worsened after the coup d'etat in 2014. "The new START" will expire in February 2021 if the two sides do not agree to it. ;to expand.

The US government is studying its point of view, so it is unclear whether Tramp and Putin will do more than give their consent that their teams consider expanding the opportunities. The AP says that US gun control advocates advocate for an extension, in part because of the provision that both parties can monitor what they do in the area of ​​strategic weapons.

"If the new START does not expand, there is a worrying possibility that from 2021 there will be no more legally binding limitation of the two largest global arsenals, and that it is much harder to deal with the serious security problems of the Russians. "said Deril Kimbal, executive director of the NGO Arms Control Organization.

Analysts are wondering what could be the problem? Tramp's approach to talks with Putin on the control of rescues, writes AP.

Putin announced in May that the Russian army would soon receive a new generation of weapons nuclear, including an intercontinental rocket, which he previously said could fly either through the North or South poles and hit targets all over the world even more warheads. "The Russian leader claimed that missile could avoid everything anti-aircraft system.Putin also promoted the Russian development of a hyper-nuclear spacecraft, five times faster than the sound, and more advanced than everything in the US arsenal. The United States is working on the hysteresis missile technology, but it is said that there are fears of delaying Russia and China.

The AP, however, states that the two presidents are unlikely to go into detail since gun control would only be one of the subjects. The US ambassador to Moscow, John Hantsman, is not sure that the Tramp will propose arms control in Helsinki, but said that he would certainly discuss accusations that Russia is violating The 1987 Intermediate Agreement. INF was the first two an oversupply to ban a whole class of weapons – cruise missiles and missiles launched from a country located between 500 and 5,500 kilometers away.

Washington claims that Russia is violating this agreement by testing and deploying a banned cruise missile. Russia firmly denies any violation on its part and claims that some elements of the US anti-aircraft defense system are violating INF.

Stefan Sestanovic, expert in Russian and Eurasian studies at the Foreign Policy Council, believes that it is possible to resolve allegations of violation of the agreement by verification visits from both sides that would determine the range of missiles without disclosing sensitive technological information.

A list of US complaints about the behavior of Russian nuclear weapons has increased in recent years, writes AP. These tensions are reflected in the new US nuclear strategy, in which the deployment of new types of US nuclear weapons is justified by Russia's use of nuclear weapons.

The strategy warns that the Russian strategy for the potential military use of nuclear weapons "increases the possibility of miscalculation and dangerous escalation."

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