Tramp: I do not have high expectations of the summit of Helsinki | World


Tanjug |

July 15, 2018 3:24 PM |

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I'm leaving for the summit of Helsinki with few expectations, said US President Donald Tramp, on the occasion of the upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Tramp, on the occasion of the next satsanka with Russian President Vladimir Putin

"I do not have high expectations of the summit," said Tramp in an interview with CBS News, adding that "nothing bad" would result from talks between the two leaders. MORE: The summit accompanying the trumpets of the warriors

"I believe it is good to meet I believe in meetings I believe that the meeting with President Kim was a good thing, I think the meeting with the Chinese president was a very good thing, I believe in meetings with Russia, China, North Korea, nothing bad will come out and maybe it will be fine, "said Tramp.

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