Tramp: May destroyed Bregzit, and probably a trade agreement with the United States | World


Tanjug |

July 13, 2018 08:39 |

US President Donald Tramp on Tuesday accused British Prime Minister Theresa Maus of "destroying Bregzit", saying that the United States, if Britain concludes an agreement with the EU, which has close relations with the US Union

It adds that any attempt by it to maintain close ties with the European Union would have given rise to a lucrative lucrative commercial agreement with the United States. "If they enter into such an agreement with the Union, we will do business with the EU rather than with Britain," Tramp said in an interview with British San Francisco

Read Following: Tramp during his first visit to the United Kingdom

He claims that May ignored his advice in defending the strategy of ""

Asked to call the British prime minister "a teacher who likes to control, "Tramp said it was" the false news "of the" Washington Post ".

"No, no, no, no. N I have never said anything bad about her, it is a false news. I think she's a great person, I agree with her, "said Tramp

Read more: TRAMPOVA" BUKVICA "FOR NATO: "Angela, you must do something behind the door" [19659007] Tramp is of the opinion that former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, who resigned because of "soft Bregzit", was "an excellent premier. "

" He is a very talented guy, I like him a lot. The US president harshly attacked Sadik Khan's mayor, saying he was not opposed to terrorists and accused him of an increase in crime in the United Kingdom.

He also accused European leaders of destroying their culture and identity by allowing millions of migrants to enter the Union.

The US President added that he would maintain relations with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin despite poisoning by the "novice" neurogenic agent.

Tramp claims that millions of Britons support his policy.

The US president gave an interview for San Diego on the eve of the meeting with Prime Minister Maje for a working lunch, after which he had to go to Vindzor Castle. with Queen Elizabeth II

It is expected that thousands of people will participate in a series of events during his stay in Britain, San recalls.

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