Tramp refers to the world war, the government asks nothing


The Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MVP) have not reacted because of US President Donald Trampe's statement that "aggressive Montenegrins could provoke World War III", although # 39; influential "New York Times" "

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs" Vijestima "did not respond in what way they would react to the Trump report and they planned to send a note of protest.

Tramp told Fox News in an interview that people in Montenegro are very strong, but very aggressive and that the manifestation of this aggression could lead to war. Speaking of the operation and funding of NATO, to the reporter's question why his son would go to defend Montenegro, Tramp said he was asking the same thing

"Montenegro is a small country with very strong people, they are very strong people, they are very aggressive people, they can become aggressive and congratulate during the Third World War. "Tramp said, adding that he was still in power and that he he had already provided additional funds to NATO.

Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said that Tramp did not speak for the first time that he did not want to see his soldiers fighting for Dusko Markovic

"He said this before, not the first time, let the Tram," Markovic told the Parliament, in response to Andrić Mandić's comments from the Democratic Front (DF) that he was delighted by the message of Tramp.

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty states that Alliance members are considered an attack on everyone and that in this case they may use military force to Tramp, during the presidential campaign, said that in case of victory, he would not automatically defend NATO member states. When they were attacked by Russia, he said that he would make a decision according to whether the country attacked "fulfilling its obligations to us". The US president insists that member states fulfill the obligation to devote two percent of GDP to defense spending, which has so far hardly been the case. NATO claims that the Tramp Declaration does not jeopardize the stability of Montenegro within the Alliance.

"Our collective defense clause, Article 5, is unconditional and firm, which means that President Tramp is attacked, has made it clear that the United States is fully committed to NATO and that our alliance is stronger than ever, "said a NATO official in Vijesti, recalling that the member had been mobilized only once after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.

" This led to NATO's largest military operation in Afghanistan, where hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Canadians rubbed shoulders with US troops, and more than a thousand paid the ultimate price ", he said." The Tramp professor at Graz University, Florian Biber, thinks it's about an "unreliable person who undermines the article." 5. "

  Florian Biber (diary) Florian Biber

"The Alliance's defense alliance, such as NATO, has the objective that a reliable threat of joint defense will have a deterrent effect. Tramp risks nullifying the main advantage of NATO, "Biber said, pointing out that Tramp's reference to Montenegro suggests that he has nothing against the enlargement of the country. NATO, but that it is not interested in the mutual defense obligation arising from membership is that NATO wants to survive the Tram, as long as the 39; Article 5 is not tested during his presidency.If Article 5 is tested, there will surely be a serious internal conflict in the United States between the politico-military establishment and the president " , said Biber

DPS game discovered

Blagoje Grahovac

  Blagoje Grahovac Blagoje Grahovac

" Tramp is a tramp is a statement of Trumpet for respect, because he showed the truth about the authorities in Montenegro showed the truth because the arrogance of the Montenegrin authorities represents a risk for both Montenegro and the region, Montenegro will not cause a world war, but will cause a conflict in Montenegro, that is the essence of the problem and the Europe must realize that the government The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) plays a double game. It has played a very clever role in the history of Euro-Atlantic integration, and below that, Russians continue to face DPS and processes in Montenegro. DPS should not react because they have long established a connection with certain services in the United States, and Tramp knows that they were sold a long time ago by US services and can not live to hear, " said Grahovac

Ide naruku. Putin

US Senator John McCain denounced Tramp's statement, claiming he was in command of Russian President Vladimir Putin

"The people of Montenegro boldly opposed the pressure The Senate voted with 97: 2 in favor of the accession of Montenegro to NATO.The attack on Montenegro, and by publicly questioning our obligation towards Alliance, the president "goes to order" Vladimir Putin, "he wrote on his Twitter account

Of the Civic Movement, the URA felt that Tramp had to understand this SDP leader, Ranko Krivokapic, told the BBC that peace is not threatened in Montenegro

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