Tramp: the worst enemy of Biu Putin if …


US President Donald Tramp has promised to be "the worst enemy" of Vladimir Putin if his agreement with the Russian president was not fruitful.

Source: Tanjug

  Photo: Tanjug / AP / Alexander Zemlianichenko

Photo: Tanjug / AP / Alexander Zemlianichenko

"He would be the worst enemy he's ever had," said Tramp in an interview for Si- si.

He pointed out, however, that he took advantage of the opportunity to advance relations between the United States and Russia, and even after the assertion of US intelligence agencies that Moscow has repeatedly argued that the US presidential election will be held in 2016.

Putin's agreement with Russia is positive, not negative, "said Tramp.

At the same time, the US president criticized his predecessor, Barack Obama, that he was totally naive towards Russia, while he claimed to have a great deal of attitude towards Moscow that any president for many years.

"The fashion of all times," adds Tramp in an interview, honored at Belo Kui, which will be fully broadcast on Friday.

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