Tramp threatens to suspend the work of his government if the Democrats do not support the construction of the wall to Mexico (VIDEO)


US President Donald Tramp has threatened to allow the US federal government to "resign" if the Democrats do not support major changes to the immigration law, as advocated by his administration.

– I would be ready to "leave" the government if our Democrats do not give us borders for border security, which includes the wall! We must get rid of the lottery … and finally move to the merit based system based on immigration! President Tramp is a big opponent of the so-called "green card lottery", which gives 55,000 residency and work permits in the United States to immigrants from around the world.

19659003] The expulsion of the US government is not an unusual thing, and it happened during the tenure of previous US presidents.

"Voice of America" ​​recalls that the US federal government has been "extinguished" 18 times since 1976, the last time in 2013. The government's closure in the United States comes when the president refuses to sign laws on the allocation of budget funds to state departments, agencies and programs.

The Empire must stop funding the activities of the federal government and reduce others. and breaks for some officials

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Source: Tanjug

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