Tramp tries to "change" Angel Merkel – The World


* On the first day of the summit in Brussels, the US president declared that Berlin-Moscow relations were "inappropriate", accusing Berlin of being "an inmate of Russians"

Germany is Independent to make political decisions German Chancellor Angela Merkel, minutes after arriving in Brussels at the Alliance summit, responding to the statement of US President Donald Trump that his country was "under total control of Russia ".

On the first day of the NATO summit in Brussels, the US president declared that the attitude of Berlin and Moscow was "inappropriate", accusing Berlin of being "owned by the Russians" because of its energy dependence. During a breakfast with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Tramp, he described the relations between Germany and Russia as "inappropriate". NATO officials eagerly awaited the meeting as an indication of how Tramp, who arrived in Brussels on Tuesday night, will drive the next two days of the summit. This summit is one of the most important in the history of NATO for 69 years. The summits of the Alliance are usually planned in advance, but already the first representation of the Tramp indicates that this rally in Brussels will not pass normally.

Tramp complained that German politicians were working for Russian energy companies after withdrawing from politics and pointed out that it was inappropriate. Germany is under the full control of Russia, concluded Tramp. "I think it's very sad when Germany concludes huge oil and gas agreements with Russia.We should protect ourselves from Russia, then Germany introduces itself and Russia. pays billions and billions of dollars a year.We protect Germany, we protect France, we protect all these countries, then many countries agree and conclude a gas pipeline agreement with Russia , where they inject billions of dollars into Russia's suitcases.I think it's very inappropriate, "said Tramp, pointing out that it was not allowed to come to that. "Germany is under the full control of Russia because it will receive 60 to 70 percent of its energy from Russia and a new gas pipeline," said the president.

He reiterated that this was not a fair distribution of financial contributions to NATO. "Germany pays a little over one percent of GDP for NATO defense while the United States pays 4.2 percent of GDP. So, I think that's the way it goes. "Is also inappropriate," said Tramp, who appealed other than European countries, and in particular Germany, pay more for the defense of NATO. "I do not think it's fair, we can not stand it." Germany's plan to increase NATO defense spending to 2% of GDP by 2030 is not enough. they can do it tomorrow, "said the president.

According to the Guardian, Stoltenberg gave the impression that he was surprised by Tramp's performance, and he only briefly said: "NATO Allies were trading with Russia even during the cold war. " in this way undermines the alliance, he just said that the rhetoric of the American leader was "direct" and "open", and that he was neither a commentator nor an expert, that his task was to preserve the unity of NATO. He stressed that he expects NATO leaders to agree "stronger together than separately."

In the United States, it is estimated that Tramp wants Merkel to be removed from the post of German Chancellor. His criticism could be part of a mining strategy at a time when he is in an unstable position and in his own country.

Tramp will spend four days in the UK, then travel to Russia for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

European summit president Donald Tusk said Tramp criticizes Europe "almost every day". He said on Twitter: "Dear America, respect your allies, you really do not have much." Tusk pointed out that the EU spends more for Russia than for Russia, like China. When it comes to the planned meeting of Tramp with Putin, Tusk said: "It's always nice to know who your strategic friend is and what is the strategic problem."

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