Two people suffering from West Nile fever


Infected persons are registered in the district of Banat Sud (municipality of Pančevo) and in the city of Belgrade (municipality of Palilula). They concern a woman and a man aged 66 and 69 years old.

Five cases of West Nile fever were recorded in the countries of the European Union at the end of June this year, four in Greece and one in Italy

The infection with the West Nile was recorded in Serbia at the end of July 2012. From 2012 to 2017, a total of 574 West Nile fever patients were registered in Serbia and 61 people died.

West Nile fever is a seasonal viral disease transmitted by the bite of the infected mosquito.

In our country, the first person in question is registered mainly in the second half of July, and the majority of patients are reported in August.

In most infected persons (in 80% of cases), no signs of illness are reported, while 20% of infected symptoms resemble flu-like symptoms, with fever, headache, pain in the throat, freezing, muscles, joints, fatigue, mild transient eruptions and lymphadenopathy

For a small number of people and only 0.1 percent, serious complications such as meningitis or encephalitis occur.

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