Ugljanin of the fury "recognized Kosovo" | Policy


J. Mr. – Mr. N.

July 23, 2018 20:12 |

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Anger that the arrival of Pacolli Bojadzic in Novi Pazar is prohibited, the leader BNV provokes again. Calls on the EU, the OSCE and the UN to negotiate negotiations on the status of Bosnians

LjUT that Serbia has banned the arrival of a spokesman the false state, Mr. Bexheti Pacoli, in Novi Pazar, the head of the BNV Sulejman Ugljanin. And he said what would happen if he asked: Sandzak would recognize Kosovo?

Read more – THE FAUX MINISTER WAS NOT YET: After the ramp for Pacolli Ugljanin canceled the forum

Appellant Pacolli "respectable, cultural, educated, Ugljanin overthrew Prime Minister Anne Brnabic, President Aleksandar Vucic and Ministers Ivica Dacic and Aleksandar Vulin, he even told them that Bosnians are not ministers and that Vucic is not their president.

EU, OSCE and United Nations Security Council to declare threats from the President of the Government, the authorities about the status of Sandzak. "

– All provisional organs of Serbia have been hostile to the Bosnians – said Ugljanin. – Do not let the Serbian president take care of Bosniacs, the Bosniaks he was worried about in Srebrenica

Ugljanin, who is more and more inclined to consider new elections for the councils of national minorities, confirms that the decision of the government and the departments to advocate for the complete depolitization of these organizations. According to the law, councils should not engage in politics, but exclusively with issues related to culture, education, information and the official use of languages ​​and languages. scripts. Soon, a member will be strictly forbidden that the president of the national council and a member of the executive council are party officials.

The ceremony in Pazar scheduled for Saturday

Apparently using the void, it is the beginning of the full implementation of all the provisions of the law. speaks as the head of the BNV, although he is fighting at the same time for the benefit of the voter and as chairman of the SDA Sandzak party. This will be impossible with the vote of the new national council scheduled for November 4. After that, whoever wants to lead the BNV will have to leave the party throne or other seats at the top of the party.

– Councils are not organs or political parties and each use for political purposes is harmful to the minority community they represent. Ružić.

Butzhet Pacoli


When he watched the results of the presidential elections in Novi Pazar, Ugljanin will easily see that Vucic and the elected president of all citizens of Serbia. Ugljanin brings agitation and invites evil, which neither Bosniaks nor Serbs want. As long as it is not submitted to the attention of the judicial authorities, it will not stop provoking conflict and the law should be superior to politics.

Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin reacted Monday to the statement by the president of the SDA and the BNV. about the authorities in Serbia.

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