Vesić: The city announces a call for tenders for the decorative ceremonial lighting of the city


Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesic, announced that the city of Belgrade announced today a call for tenders for the renovation of the current and the purchase of goods. a new decorative lighting like that of Moscow, Stockholm, Budapest and other major European cities.

According to him, the Energy Regulatory Office of the City of Belgrade and JKP "Public Lighting" announce today a call for public tender for the renovation of the city. Existing and the purchase of a new decorative ceremonial lighting. The estimated value of the offer is 300 million dinars with VAT

– The regulation of the city is our policy for which we have twice received the most favorable support of the President in the municipal elections since the renewal of multiparty politics in Serbia. Town planning means new pedestrian zones, new facades, reconstructed boulevards, new squares, a renovated coast and an illuminated city with basic and decorative lighting. It is Belgrade which attracts more and more tourists every year and which gained about 800 million euros last year from foreign and domestic customers. All that the city of Belgrade has invested in a solemn decorative lighting, with fireworks and concerts, has made it possible to make a profit several times the tourist revenues of the city, because Belgrade has become one of the Europe's most coveted tourist destinations.

He adds that he has no doubt that even on the occasion of this call, even the critics who sit all day in the cafes would do nothing and criticize everything in the city

– The majority of citizens of Belgrade, as we can see from the visits to our demonstrations, we can not be interested in these criticisms unrelated to the opponents of our city, "said Vesic

. Deputy Mayor said that the city of buildings that are cultural monuments and that it is expected that this year will include 20 new locations in the city center, including the plateau in front of the Temple of Saint Sava, Slavija, Tasmajdan, Skadarlija, Pionirski and Academic Park, Kalemegdan, Palace "Albania", Flower Market and others.
Vesic pointed out that the decorative lighting will be decorated for the first time by the centers of seven suburban municipalities.

– With this call for tenders, we want to provide lighting that will mostly decorate the parks and sites visited by tourists, and we are looking for two sites aimed at the youngest to be decorated with motifs. children – says Vesic. Many European cities invest heavily in decorative lighting and decoration because they attract more tourists. He pointed out that Zagreb, with 790 thousand inhabitants, has allocated 5.5 million euros for this purpose this year, Budapest, which is the size of Belgrade, more than two million euros, Stockholm with two Once the population of our city allocates 3.5 million euros, and Moscow with 11.5 million inhabitants this year has a budget of 95 million euros for the year. decorative and decorative lighting.

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