Vesti Online / Scena / Rijaliti / Luna interviewed the former boyfriend, he responded brutally

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Luna Gogan decided to put a point on the rapper with Slobodan Radanovic, with the intention of forgetting her since a long time. ] Luna Gogani

Luna was often mentioned by an ex boyfriend of Srđan Sarić during the Riyadh period, and as Alo wrote, she decided to reconnect with him.

– The message began to be mandatory: "Hello, Srdjan, I think it was time and some things to discuss", then she explained how difficult it was when she read how much she was bored revelation about him and his family. She wrote that she hoped that she was not angry with her and asked her to try to understand because it was a big push for her. He repeatedly apologized for his parents and asked him to tell them how much he was sorry to draw public attention because of her – said a source. near Srdjan to the newspaper.

– He tried to push him back on the days they were happy, but also when they were in love. After a few messages from Srđan and short answers that he was really OK, she sent several attached photos, then Srđan parted – explains Sr droguean's drug and reveals that Seric responded roughly at that time.

– We watched the color change, then he launched a series of insults to his account. She sent him a disclaimer and announced that she was reading it every time she thought about it again. She emphasized that she would never go over to show that they had been together for three years, and she knew that she had a daughter that she loved at the same time as she did. had never seen her as a girl, but as a "combination" and they will never be seen.He explained that he was not aware of his relationship with Freedom and nothing about the Rioter, and then recalled that he had broken some business from abroad because people connected him with "Zadrug." She had no answer from her part and we explained to her that she had to do it and that she should be asked to look for what she did not want to do, "the source said.


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