VOA on Hana's statement: I came to the conclusion that Kosovo is not everything …


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vui, says that Serbia is very close to monitoring, participation and active stance in Europe, where there are many different initiatives.

Source: Tanjug

<img src = "http://www.b92.net/news/pics/2018/02/09/6864524105a7ddf33cc126703810569_v4_big.jpg" width = "640" height = "427" hspace = "0" vspace = " 0 "border =" 1 "align =" left "alt =" EPA-EFE / FLORIAN WIESER

He stated this before the session of the Higher Council for Cooperation between the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Greece, the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in Thessaloniki, stressing to a different attitude towards the United States, a changing relationship with Russia, as well as for the same partners. "A lot of things are happening and we must follow it and take an active stance", has Vui Rekla said about the given quadrilateral, that the talks are about to energize relations and overcome obstacles and problems.

He stressed that he was delighted to be able to meet in this format for the fourth time in order to meet its neighbors, but also with Greece, our friendly countries

"It is good that we have other messages and partners and that sometimes it is not all the territory of Yugoslavia, but the neighbors who are already members of the EU, although Greece is not a neighbor but a partner ".

He said that he was waiting to discuss infrastructure issues, communication problems today, as well as purely bilateral and political and regional issues, as well as relations between Belgrade and Pritina and dialogue.

"The countries of Moliu that have not admitted Kosovo, and two of them are not, remain in their positions and try to help our Bulgarian friends to repeat their opinions on Kosovo and Metohija "; announced Vui.

Regarding road infrastructure, the president said that a complete reconstruction of the highway of Croatia, 23.5 kilometers of the idyllic opt for before turn to Kuzmin, will start soon, some of whom said that it was the most common when entering from Croatia.

"Soon, there will be a difference, but it will not be on the roof of Serbia, because the most modern asphalt will be installed," he says.

Vui recalled that Serbia was closing the end of Corridor 10 so that both arms would be open before the end of the year.

"It's our race with other countries in the region not to give us passengers to the third country.Some have not intentionally built highways in our country so that the Turks and others or ours can not, "he said.

Vui said that Serbia, unlike EU neighbors, has no subsidies from the Union or that they are at a level up to 150 million euros, this is nothing compared to those in the East. He said that he would invite his trips to Serbia to be deployed in order to attract some of the people who are going to third countries.

Vui also emphasized the significance of the elephant, and said that she was a safer way of the future.

"Some thought that eleznica had to leave, especially because of world politics that unequivocally suggests that the question of what the price of oil will be in the future, and who determines that the eleznici will go straight to the point "; he stressed.

He said that after the Ministry of Ni-Dimitrovgrad poets complete the reconstruction of the Belgrade-Ni department store, and must also be made by the dean of Valjevo in Montenegro.

"If we do not build an elephant, Corridor 10 transports us from Romania, Bulgaria and Greece, we must all fight for our survival," said Vui, adding that Serbia would tire more and build all that has not been wounded since the last decade.

It remains, as he said, to work on the infrastructure of the infrastructure optical digital, because we can not afford to hang around behind the world.

"These are the key issues of the Kosovo and Metohija issue. That's what I'm talking about, so I met all the politicians from the West and our countries that Kosovo is not everything and everything, "he said. said:

Wait a minute: A question about Kosovo, Han says that "Kosovo is not everything"

"At a meeting of 120 minutes and some of my government are corrected, is 119.5 minutes on Kosovo and Metohija, and half a minute before we go to the media to tell each other. People need to know and be clear, not to think that there is a subject that can be compared and compared to Kosovo, but that does not bind us to Western partners, "Vui said. .} fbds.async = true; fbds.async = true; fbds.async = true; fbds.async = true; fbds.async = true; fbds.sync = fbds.src = "http://connect.facebook.net /en_US/fbds.js";var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq window ._fbq || = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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