We have not received answers to many questions so far: Bratunac, 26 years since 3,500 innocent Serbs were killed by the crowds | Telegraph


We have a black and white image where the Bosnians are shown as victims, and the Serbs are criminals, but the graves say that this image is not black and white

  Bratunac, Aleksandar Vulin, Milorad Dodik

Today in Bratunac is a commemoration. a sign of the memory of 3,500 Serbs from Srebrenica and surrounding areas, attended by the President of the Government of Republika Srpska, Zeljka Cvijanovic

The significance of the Serbian victims is celebrated this year with the same message : "Do not forget" .

>>> Naser Oric was acquitted of war crimes charges in Bratunac and Srebrenica in 1992

During the war in BiH, about 3,500 Serbs were killed in the Bratunac and Srebrenica regions – Photo: Tanjug / Ministry of Labor, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs

In 1992, in the territories of Vlasenica, Osmak, Zvornik, Bratunac and Srebrenica, Muslim forces led by Naser Oric caused unprecedented casualties.

There is no Serb village in the vicinity of Srebrenica and Bratunac that has not been set on fire and in which the military boot of the so-called "Army of the RBiH did not try to eradicate the traces of all that is Serbian, say the families whose members were killed.

The Serbs of Podrinje were killed in the most destructive way … 43 children were killed.]

There are still no answers to many questions – Photo: Tanjug / Ministry of Labor, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs

Among them: Who killed the boyfriend Dimitrijevic and Slobodan Stojanovic Is there justice for Ljubinka Gajic, the mother of a five-year-old boy whose shell was fired from Srebrenica, killed on the balcony? 39, apartment? Can anyone answer for this crime or the crime committed in Bjelovac where Slavki Matic killed two girls?

The cr iminels who killed the Vucetic family will they be tried? Brano, then nine years old, remained without a brother, mother and father. The consequences of this tragedy continue to suffer today

The organization of the families of the dead says that the myth of Srebrenica was built for years, with criminals of the other , RTRS

– We have a black and white image where Bosnians are portrayed as victims and Serbs as criminals, but the graves say that this painting is not black and white – Radojko Filipovic of this organization told this medium. a white painting where Bosnians are described as victims and Serbs as criminals, but the graves say that this painting is not black and white – Photo: Tanjug / Srđan Ilic

Today, the Serbs will never forget their clusters

– Only 21 villages of Srebrenica were attacked. More than 400 Serbs were killed and at least 460 Serbs were killed in the attack on 22 Serbian villages in the Bratunac municipality. According to the War Crimes Research Center, 2,482 Serbian civilians were killed in this narrower zone – Minister of Labor and Protection of the Disabled and Veterans of Srpska Milenko Savanovic said.

Parastos for all Serbs from the center of Podrinje will be served today at 11:00, followed by a documentary entitled "Sorrow of Angels", produced by Radio Television of Republika Srpska and the Center of Investigation of War Crimes.


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