We will save the country from conflict


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia would be saved from conflict and that, unlike the others, he did not want to talk about the war.

"We do not want to talk about the war and we will do our best to protect our country against any kind of conflict," Vucic told the journalist, who commented on the fact that the prime minister Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said that if a division of territory occurred, a new war would come

. Vucic says that he also saw that someone had something to say on this subject, and that his message is that we will preserve the peace. "19659002" When you constantly mention that word – war and when Oric and Haradinaj do it, they do it, then you can not say that it's irresponsible and that it's absurd. "The old adage says," When you see Chekhov's rifle in the first act, then she will fall into the third act, "says Vucic

to constantly talk to citizens that we do not have peace guaranteed and constantly, literally, at the daily level fighting for stability in the KiM [1965] 9002] "We had to fight for five Serbs and we said that there was no continuation of the conversation if we did not release them immediately and we succeeded, but it's something you have to do every day. "He added that he was not happy that he should go immediately to Brussels instead of having dinner to celebrate in France a successful visit to this country.

As he l & rsquo; said, he has already prepared preparatory meetings for tomorrow dialogue in Brussels

"Slavic Croats with Ustashi songs – nothing new" [19659002] This is not a novelty as the title of Croatian vice-champion at the World Cup football was celebrated with Ustasha songs, said Vucic who said that he thought he had the right not to encourage Croatia, but to conduct a good policy with the Croats Croatia has good and better relations

Noting that many still live in such songs, he says that he can say that he does not encourage Croatia, but that He will not insult them and will not utter an ugly word because "we will need good and better relations in the future. "

" Is there news? Is there anything different? Is there anything that makes you wonder? It only surprises those who are always surprised by the fact that they are surprised by this, "said Vucic in response to a question from a reporter about how he was celebrated in Croatia

He stated that Ustasha songs were sung even after the first match in the championship.

"I reacted after the first breakthrough. At all times, I showed respect for the Croats saying that they were playing excellent football. I just said that everyone has the right to encourage them, I have the right not to encourage them. Did I offend anybody? Did I tell him something wrong? No, "says Vucic.

He then asked" how do you think the Serbian President encourages someone who sings a song that begins with an exclamation, with the exclamation "For the house ready" and who says "gang of Serbian volunteers, band of gentlemen, our punishment will come to you in Serbia."

"Who's singing you for which I have to cheer ?!" So what am I? What kind of President of Serbia would I call my people a group of Chetniks, Serb volunteers? I am not accidentally a Chetnik, a Partisan, or any member of my family, they were killed by the Ustasha, "said Vucic

" Houses of Vucica inflamed in 1992 "

] The houses of Vucic in 1992 were burned and burned all the houses of his uncle, brothers of his uncle, aunt, his father, a house that his father and his brother had built.

"They burned everything. I tell you, 'awesome, now I have to encourage' Well, I do not have to .It is my duty to conduct a good policy with the Croats, to have better relations, to To have better relations, to take care of the Croatian minority in Serbia, to take care of Serbian life and to do something if I can.I feel freer and safer in Croatia, even if Is difficult, "says Vucic

" And now you really make me cheer up and I wonder c e that they were singing Ustasha songs … If there is news, ask me and it is all by the old, and all the usual. Do you think you will not be next? And next time they will be the same, "says Vucic.

He said that for some, it was good in 1941 and that it was heavy, ugly and desperate for us

" It is for us in 45. the year of the final liberation of German Nazism, Croatian fascism, Italian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and all the rest. "With the support of Macron and Merkel's hope, there is"

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reiterated in his statement to reporters that his views on the research of a compromise The solution for KiM, presented in today 's conversation, is backed by French President Emanuel Macron, hoping to support German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and that if it is the case, " then there is hope. "

takes up both for himself and for the holiday, but also says that he is interested in himself The future and well-being of Serbia, and nothing to do with it. other.

He also said that some would "show muscles" and leave the country without "mig", with 35 tanks that could have been launched a few years ago with the old one. he even said that even today, when we are much better armed and equipped, we do not have the intention of "showing muscles" because Serbia does not have the Intended to attack anyone.

As is the case now, they only do so because they reoccupy the authorities and can steal, Vucic said, adding that it's doing something good for Serbia.

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