What a voice! Elis Merton is known for a single, but Exit has become clear that he will be a big star (PHOTO) | telegraph


Sanja Elis first star last night Photo Release: Marko Jovanović

Tonight last night Festival Release but not last but what it looks like, the best! Fantastic Elis Merton is just the first in a series of stars that Mejn will obey tonight.

Amazing voices: Elis Merton Photo: Marko Jovanović

And a general public in Mejn: Photo: Marko Jovanović

Without flocks to accompany other hedgehogs, Elis came out in the minute, at 10:30 pm. And while those who do not listen to the hits did not know what to expect from this fantastic fan, most viewers knew what the power was hiding. Yes, Elis and you know what he's doing, he has already shown his first song.

Elis had a great public reception: Photo: Marko Jovanović

She was Mejl: Elis Merton Photo: Marko Jovanović

"Keep me awake", "Hols", "Lie to my face" .. we have found good numbers, while everyone, who feels they belong to, but also the spiritual nomads, are waiting for "No Roots". Otherwise, after Elis Meyn will take Martin Gariks, then star in the evening, David Geta. The release this year ends in great style, is not it?

Otherwise, today was the final of the World Football Championships, and he also came to Exit:

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