White House: we do not consider Putin's referendum in Ukraine | saint


Tanjug |

20. Jul 2018. 21:50 |

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The White House announced today not to support a "referendum" in the eastern part of Ukraine supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin

The White House has announced today not to support the referendum "In the eastern part of Ukraine supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and after the meeting in Helsinki with US President Donald Tramp, reports AP.

L & rsquo; Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said today that Putin and Tramp were talking about a possible referendum in eastern Ukraine during the summit of prestigious Finland

" This question (referendum) was discussed, "said Antonov, adding that Putin had made concrete suggestions about the solution of the four-year-old Ukrainian conflict 10,000 people

Tramp wrote in Tviter that he spoke with Putin about the Ukraine, but did not mention a refresh, nor did he leaked the details of the conversation AP reports that the spokesman of the National Tramp Security Council, Geret Markiz , said the agreements between the Russian and Ukrainian governments on the settlement of the conflict in Donbass "do not include any referendum option."

what is called the referendum "would not have of legitimacy ".

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