WHO HAS THE LARGEST SCHOOLS IN DOMESTIC ESTRADES! You are scared when you hear how many faculties have finished this cocktail!




  Neda Ukraden </p>
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  Neda Ukraden Neda Ukraden, 1968 “/> Neda Ukraden, Photo: printscreen

NIKO IS NOT A HISTORY, NOW WRITTEN TO TRAVEL: Pevačica Neda Ukraden is the # 39, one of the most educated estradono personalities of the local stage. She has two degrees at the Faculty of Law and Philology.

OVAKO IZDIVLEDA STAN NATAŠE BEKVALAC! A detail in a baby's room will make you sleepy!

Nedo is followed by his colleagues Zorica Brunclik, with a law degree in Niš, as well as Zdravko Čolić who completed the economy in Sarajevo

THE LIFE OF LIFE IS DEFINED: He was constantly in the public in Amidža, and today is a popular leader! You do not have to worry about what's in the question

  Neda Ukraden

Neda Ukraden, Photo: Rajko Ristić / Alo

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