"WHO IS NOT SLIGHTLY TOWARDS A DECISION" Sarajli of Milić's daughters forgives glowing messages


  Photo by: Maja Avdibegović

Photo: Facebook / Facebook

Drummer Milić Vukadinovic's boy, Maja Avdibegovic, was found dead around midnight last night and his companions from Sarajli were pardoned all day.

"Something is desperately removed from the path … elsewhere, there I hope to find the spirit of the soul", "Rest in peace, Majo", "In recent months , she withdrew "My schoolboy, I am very sad" are some of the comments after Mary's death.

As the media is transmitted, Mua found a friend in the apartment who immediately called for help of urgency, but the successors of Milic Vukasinovic have had no rescue./RAS Serbia

Suzana Vukašinović, the musician's wife, for "Blic" reveals that she and Milic were in Sarajevo with the monkey a few hours before the tragedy, and what else she read read OVDE

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