Why are the Germans afraid of the summit of Putin and Tramp? | World


Tanjug |

07 July 2018 16:41 |


German politicians and security experts are increasingly worried that US President Donald Tramp may meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to take measures that are not coordinated with German politicians of the day. NATO

Security experts increasingly fear that US President Donald Tramp will meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to take uncoordinated measures with NATO

Peter Bayer, coordinator of the ruling Democrats for transatlantic relations, told the media Funk group that NATO countries were not involved in planning the Trumpin-Putin summit in Helsinki on July 16th.

"The Alliance is very concerned about the agreements that Tramp and Putin could achieve," said Baier. Before meeting Putin, having meetings with NATO allies in Brussels and visiting Britain, "said Reuters.

Bayer fears that Tramp could have pushed Putin to" dominate "him in Helsinki with a reminder of a meeting with a North Korean leader.

"Kim has only promised up to here. We do not know if he stopped enriching uranium. According to Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference and former German ambassador to Washington, it is possible that Tramp will refuse to sign commissions at a summit in Brussels, he said. He said during an interview with "Velt".

He adds, however, that NATO is now in a better state than ever before.

German Liberal Leader Christian Lindner He tells Dochlandfunk that he does not trust Tramp and that his actions on trade and security are not in the long-term interest of the United States .

"It's too varied … In 24 hours, Tramp can change position, Lindner said

He called on Europe to take a unique position as the largest single economic area and provide so the opposite to Tramp and Putin.

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