Movement Just wonder why a grand historical jubilee was ignored when, 140 years ago, in the Congress of Berlin in 1878, he recognized the independence of Serbia.
Source: Beta
Illustration: Thinkstock
DJB claims in the press that the power of Serbia to reverse Serbian history on the absence of marking this jubilee is systematically working to to represent Serbia as a "losing country".
"Today's diplomacy has been transformed into sprdnja and it is clear that such jubilees go on without proper and dignified celebration and celebration," the DJB said.
This position indicates that the Serbian president, who believes he has no constitutional authority to negotiate over Kosovo, repeatedly repeats that Serbia has nothing in Kosovo, thus paving the way for signing the agreement. The independence of Kosovo promised to Germany and other Western partners.
The Berlin Congress was completed on July 13, 1878, during which the European powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and England and France have established a new power relationship in southeastern Europe.
Revised Sanstefanski Peace Agreement between Russia and Turkey on 3 March, Serbia and Montenegro gained international recognition and considerably expanded their territories, and Austria-Hungary obtained the right to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina
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