leads in several directions, and the only thing that is sure now is that the crime was committed by a professional.
The inspectors are trying to find out who owned a lawyer on Saturday night and who had the motive to liquidate him, and for the moment there are four theories about the possible motive of the professional liquidation of Ognjanovic .
Criminologist Zlatko Nikolic says that the most likely theory is that the lawyer is one more in a series of victims of the prosecution of warring families Bojovic and Saranovic.
– We know that Slobodan Saranovic had a list for the murder, and there would have been Ognjanovic. Saranovic was angry that Ognjanovic, who represented Luka Bojovic for years, managed to release him from all charges, said Nikolic, adding that it should not be ruled out the possibility that an attorney be killed by a dissatisfied customer.

– He defended many powerful criminals, so do not forget that one of them, dissatisfied with the services of a lawyer, decided to to take out life – says our interlocutor.
As we learn, the investigation into the liquidation of Mišo Ognjanović is conducted in several directions, and among other things, it is mentioned that it is part of a series of victims of a bloody war between the Montenegrin clans – Kavac and Scalding.
– In addition, recently, it is also mentioned that there was an internal conflict in the clan of Luke Bojovic and that part of a clan that wants to overthrow the "clean" people to which he is faithful , – says the source.
The wife Sanja Papić crying
My dear, most loved
The wife of Ognjanovic, Sanja Papic, did not have the strength to speak yesterday.
– Do not have, please, an understanding – by the tears that an unfortunate woman said.
During the day, she posted a photo with a black background on her Instagram profile and the words "My beloved, most loved one".
1. Family Rat Bojovic and Saranovic
Dragoslav Ognjanovic represented Luka Bojovic, who was at war with his late brothers Branislav and Slobodan Saranovic. The conflict of two families began in 2009, when the son of Danilo Radonjic, the godfather of the Saranovic family disappeared. It is believed that he was last seen in the company of the late Luke Đurović, Bojović's associate. Branislav Šaranović, who was killed in Dedinje in October 2009, was involved in the search for missing persons. His brother then vowed to avenge him, which he did in April 2013, when Nikola Bojovic, Lukin's brother, was liquidated in Belgrade. Four years later, Slobodan Saranovic was liquidated in Budva. In the last three months in Belgrade, three people close to Luka Bojovic have been killed. Apparently, after the murder of his brother, he drew up a list for the killing of people close to Bojovic, and allegedly that Ognjanovic was on that list.

2. War of "scarecrows" and "divans"
Another possible theory of brutal murder is the war of the Montenegrin clans. Bojovic is presumed to be close to the "sculptural clan", which enjoys his protection, and Ognjanovic, as a lawyer, was targeted by the "Kovacian clan". The afflicted Montenegrin clans have been in conflict since 2014, when cocaine products disappeared in Valencia, and so far, tens of thousands of people have lost their lives on both sides. The war has spread from Montenegro in recent years to the territory of Serbia. It is possible that the "Kovacian clan", whose leader Davorin Baltić was liquidated on 1 January in Vracar, accused Dragoslav Ognjanovic, who was also defended by some members of the sculpture group in court. Another possible version is that the "sofas" in this way wanted to send a message to the "scarecrows" that they are stronger and do not forgive the victims of their members.

3. The revenge of a dissatisfied customer
One of the directions of the investigation is directed to the clients of the murdered Ognjanovic, who was a prominent lawyer and who represented many people on the other side of the law as well as those targeted by criminals. There is no exclusion from the possibility that a client is dissatisfied with the verdict and Ognjanovic's defense in court after the murder. During the investigation, the police will check the list of all their clients to find a motive and a potential perpetrator. Although the lawyer is not likely to kill the person he represents, the police also do not exclude this possibility.

4. Conflict within the Lukin clan
After the murder of Luka Dragoslav Miloradovic's godfather on May 28 in Karaburma, stories emerged within the clan: conflicts and ruptures due to many illegal activities, which are suspected of narcotics. There is speculation that part of this criminal organization wants to take over Luki's leadership, making "clean" all the people who were close and loyal to him and who ran his business in Belgrade. As our interlocutor says, it is possible that the lawyer Ognjanovic is the target of this part of a clan who wants to overthrow Luke and his men. However, according to sources, this theory is the least likely, but the investigators do not want to let anything pass.
The killer escaped by car
The "golf" black
We informally know that the police are looking for a "golf" model 5 or 6, dark colors and tablets of Belgrade, which was seen near the site of the murder of Ognjanovic.
– The last two letters on the record are allegedly M and S. It is also believed that this car was followed by another car, smaller, darker but with Bosnian recordings – says our source and adds that the attacker knew the movements and habits of the lawyers, and places near his apartment covered by security cameras.
(Kurir.rs/Danijela Jovanović / Photo: Damir Dervišagić / Marina Lopicic / Dragana Udovicic / Profimedia / Printscreen / KurirTV)

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